About Me

Jared Wang
Texas A&M University
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Major: Computer Science
Grade Level: Computer Science Senior
Expected Graduation Date: May 12, 2025

Email: jwangj001@tamu.edu
Link to My Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jared-wang-595859225/

About My Mentor

Dr. Ali Ghanbari
Auburn University
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Research Interests: Software testing, analysis, repair and verification
Link to Dr. Ghanbari’s Website: https://ali-ghanbari.github.io/

About My Project

Title of My Project: Mutation-Based Patch Correctness Assessment for Automated Program Repair
Description of My Project: We are working on patch correctness assessment in test-based automated program repair. We will be using Linux and Java-based testing tools.

My Final Research Report

My Weekly Journal Update

My Journal Log